In Chinese Medicine and philosophy, everything in the world is composed of related opposites which make up the whole. The Yin/Yang symbol represents how opposing forces complement each other.
Developed over 3,000 years ago, Chinese Medicine succeeds in restoring health by restoring the balance and harmony of these forces.
Acupuncture is a holistic health care approach that addresses the root cause of bodily pain, not just the symptoms. The result is a more lasting alleviation of discomfort. Recognized by the World Health Organization for its effectiveness, Acupuncture is in widespread use throughout the U.S., Asia, and Europe for the treatment of common painful illness such as:
Numerous studies link degenerative disease with chronic stress, unhealthful eating patterns, and lack of restorative rest. Nationally licensed, Board Certified Acupuncturist and Chinese Herbalist with 28 years of experience, Maryann McCarthy, Acupuncture Physician, offers invaluable tools to manage these and many other issues.
You can experience a more joyful and vibrant life and become healthier in body, mind and spirit. Let the immense benefits of Chinese Medicine work to open possibilities for a more energized, less stressed you.
Please explore the information on this website, and then call Maryann for a free phone consultation. You owe it to yourself to take charge of your health!